General Membership Meeting IMPORTANT NOTICE
The General Membership meeting for February will held on Wednesday, February 5th, 2025 at 7:00 pm.
There will be refreshments served afterwards.
Local 1250 Scholarship The annual Local 1250 scholarship was awarded to Sophie Dowling , daughter of WCE Lineman Jared Dowling. Sophie plans on attending SDSU. The scholarship is for the $350.00. Congradulations to Sophie and best luck on her future endevers. LOCAL 1250 JOB CALLS As of 01/14/2025 - Local 1250 has no open calls.
There are no calls for outside work.
Membership Development Organizer IBEW Local 1250 is taking applications for a membership development organizer. If you think you have what it takes to visit with non-union contractors, electricians, utlity workers and others who may want to unionize, we would like to visit with you. Call the Business Manager at 605-343-0954 to get information on this position. 2025 Fishing Derby The 2025 IBEW fishing derby will be June 6,7, and 8th at the downstream Oahe campground just outside Pierre, SD. Applications available at the hall and by email.
Registration is $50 before the derby and $60 at the derby.
Fishing derby email is ibew1250fishingderby@yahoo.com.
Local 1250 Office Hours IBEW Local 1250 Office Hours are:
Monday to Thursday: 8:00 am to 12:00 noon
1:00 pm to 5:00 pm
Fridays: 8:00 am to 12:00 noon
1:00 pm to 4:30 pm
Local 1250 Office will be closed December 25th for Christmas and January 1st for New Years.
Happy Holidays From Local 1250
<< January 2025 >> S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 2024 Christmas Party!! The annual 1250 Christmas Party has been scheduled for Saturday, December 14, 2024 starting at 5:00 pm at the Labor Temple building next door to the Local Union. We will again feature great food, tons of door prizes and gifts and fun for everyone. Open to all Local 1250 members, spouses and invited guests. The strength of the IBEW is determined by our union density. As union density declines, so does our ability to secure beneficial wage increases, benefits and working conditions. In "right to work for less" states like South Dakota, Wyoming, and Nebraska, the three states that IBEW Local Union 1250 has members in, the task of keeping good contracts and having high union density is especially difficult and requires that we constantly strive to maintain our membership levels. Most of our units do very well at maintaining membership levels, but some have dropped to less than desirable levels. Each of us as union members, has the task of asking our fellow workers to join the Local Union and help maintain the good wage and benefit levels in our contracts. That's why I'm asking each of you to take the time to visit with your co-workers and if they are not members, ask them to consider joining their union to help us keep and improve our union contracts.
LOCAL 1250 IBEW Represented Companies IBEW Local Union 1250 proudly represents the employees of the following companies:
Amick Sound, Black Hills Power, Cherry Todd Electric, West Central Electric, West River Electric, The City of Winner Electrical Department, Lacreek Electric, Moreau Grand Electric, Northwest Rural Public Power District, Stran Tech, Y-Tech Services, Wright Tree Service, AT&T Direct TV, Decker Electric, Titan Line Construction, Rosendin Electric.
The IBEW represents a wide variety of workers and we would be proud to represent the company you work for too. Give us a call at 605-343-0954